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How car makers are improving scheduled servicing

Not all capped price service deals are created equally, as we regularly warn.

Some brands include everything in the package price, such as brake fluid changes at relevant intervals. Others deem brake fluid changes to be outside routine maintenance. I'd rather have everything included in the price instead of having a surprise bill sprung on me.

This is why we're welcoming more detailed information on the websites of several brands. Some have done it, some are in the process of updating details.

Soon, you'll be able to compare not only the cost of each service but also exactly what each routine visit includes.

Other brands, it seems, still prefer owners to be in the dark. Not a smart move if you want customers to come back.

I haven't switched brands for the cars my mum and sister drive purely because I trust the dealership service department they have been going to for more than 10 years. I know the cost of each visit before they lift the bonnet.

By rewarding technicians for doing the job right the first time, surely everyone's a winner.
I'm sure many others buy a car from the same brand based on their service experience.

The opposite is true too, with people defecting to other brands due to poor service. (Exhibit A, your honour: disgruntled Jeep owner and You Tube star with 2 million-plus views, Teg Sethi from Melbourne.)

Elsewhere, the smartest move we've seen from a dealership in recent times is to give mechanics a pay bonus based on the cars they work on.

Customarily, only the service manager gets a kickback if profit numbers are good.

By rewarding technicians for doing the job right the first time, surely everyone's a winner.

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